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Christina's family farms near Montreal in the province of Quebec. She speaks French at home and will teach us more about the Earth as a planet. We learn about the shape of spheres, cylinders and cubes and make our own paper mache globe. M is for maple and we measure how much sap we've collected. We discover how some things can change their states of matter and we serve a liquid over crepes. We make beautiful stained windows like the ones in a cathedral and learn about people who lived in Longhouses. 

Quebec Tiny Travellers

  • You will receive: 

    • 22 page booklet
    • 1x sticker sheet
    • 1x laminated paper doll of Christina to dress and play with
    • 1x map of the world poster
    • 1x black construction paper
    • 6x squares of cellophane paper
    • 1x balloon 
    • 2 sheets of continents for our globe
  • Orders close on the 24th of the month.
    Ships on the 30th of the month.
    Shipping within Canada is free. 
    Provincial taxes will be added in the cart. 

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